Below is a list of talks/workshops that I’ve given on the topics of research data management, fMRI data quality, multi-echo fMRI methods, data and code sharing practices, GDPR-compliant MRI data sharing, and open community building.
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Heunis, Stephan, 2024. Technical challenges to data sharing. Webinar presentation for the GLiMR COST Action group. Virtual online.
Heunis, Stephan, 2023. Research Data Management with DataLad. Invited talk at the Einstein Center for Neuroscience. Virtual online.
Heunis, Stephan, 2023. DataLad workshop at the Dutch Open Science Festival. Rotterdam, The Netherlands
Heunis, Stephan, 2023. Research Data Management with DataLad. Invited talk at the MRI Together Workshop. Virtual online.
Heunis, Stephan, 2022. Reproducible Data Management with DataLad. Invited workshop at the Brainhack Nordic 2022 event. Copenhagen, Denmark.
Heunis, Stephan, 2022. Tools for reproducible workflows. Invited keynote talk at the Brainhack Krakow 2022 event. KraKow, Poland.
Heunis, Stephan, 2021. Balancing open data with personal data privacy: a future outlook on MRI data sharing. Presentation at the MRI Together Workshop 2021. Virtual online.
Heunis, Stephan, 2021. Tools for reproducible workflows. Open talk at the Chinese Open Science Network. Virtual online.
Heunis, S. and Bayrak, Ş., 2021. “I’d like to reproduce your results…” and other tales in Reproducible Workflows. Workshop at the OHBM Hackathon 2021 TrainTrack Session event. Virtual online.
Heunis, J.S. 2021. Interactive data visualization with Python, Plotly and Dash. Demo talk at the OpenMR Virtual 2021 event. Virtual online.
Heunis, J.S. et al. 2020. Open neuroimaging data and personal data privacy: anonymization. Panel discussion at the OHBM Open Science Room 2020. Virtual online.
Heunis, J.S. et al. 2020. Open neuroimaging data and personal data privacy: convergence or divergence? Panel discussion at the OHBM Open Science Room 2020. Virtual online.
Heunis, J.S. 2020. Hands-on fMRI code and data sharing. Invited workshop at the Food for Psychologists. The Hague, The Netherlands (online).
Heunis, J.S. 2020. Brain research data and personal data privacy: practical tips to share and protect. Invited talk at the Think Open Rovereto Workshop 2020. Trento, Italy (online).
Heunis, J.S. 2019. Real-time (fMRI) quality control. Invited lecture at the 2019 international real-time functional imaging and neurofeedback conference: rtFIN2019. Aachen, Germany.
Heunis, J.S. 2019. Building Open Science Communities. Invited talk at the 2019 Eurotech Summer School: Open Science in Practice. EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland.
Heunis, J.S. 2019. Open Brain Consent - GDPR edition. Lightning talk at the 2019 meeting of the Society for the Improvement of Psychological Science. Rotterdam, The Netherlands.
Heunis, J.S. 2019. Real-time fMRI neurofeedback methodology: current challenges, possible solutions and future perspectives. Speaker during the session “Neurofeedback in psychiatry” at the 2019 annual Dutch Neuroscience Meeting. Lunteren, The Netherlands.
Heunis, J.S. 2019. Introduction to open science and OpenMR Benelux. Speaker and event host at the 1st annual meeting of the OpenMR Benelux community. Leiden, The Netherlands.
Heunis, J.S. 2018. Real-time fMRI neurofeedback - from technology to applications. Speaker and session moderator at the 11th annual Donders Discussions conference. The Donders Institute. Nijmegen, The Netherlands.
Heunis, J.S., Besseling, R., Lamerichs, R., De Louw, A., Aldenkamp, B., Bergmans, J., 2018. Dynamic T2star and S0 mapping towards real-time multi-echo fMRI denoising. Oral presentation at the 10th annual meeting of the Benelux Chapter of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine. Antwerpen, Belgium.