Summary Anatomical Functional
fMRwhy Quality Report

Summary: sub-001

Dataset name rt-me-fMRI
Subject ID 001
Report date/time 01-Dec-2020 20:51:34
Anatomical resolution 1x1x1 mm (100x100x100 voxels)
Functional resolution 3.5x3.5x3.5 mm (64x64x34 voxels)
Functional acquisition Multi-echo (TE = 14,28,42 ms), SENSE = 2.5
Functional runs rest_run-1, fingerTapping, emotionProcessing, rest_run-2, fingerTappingImagined, emotionProcessingImagined

Anatomical QC

The T1w anatomical image was coregistered to the template functional image (task rest, run 1, echo 2, volume 1) using SPM12 coregister/estimate functionality. Before resampling to the functional resolution, this coregistered T1w image was segmented using tissue probability maps and SPM12's unified segmentation algorithm. This yielded subject-specific probability maps for gray matter, white matter, CSF, soft tissue, bone and air in the subject functional space. All of these probability maps where then resampled (using coregister/write) to the subject functional resolution. Masks were generated for gray matter, white matter, CSF, and the whole brain (a combination - logical OR after thresholding - of the previous three masks). These are overlaid on the coregistered and resampled T1w image below, to allow visual inspection of segmentation and registration quality.

Anatomical regions of interest were taken from the cytoarchitecture-based atlases in the SPM Anatomy Toolbox. For the motor cortex, regions 4a and 4p were used. For the amygdala, regions LB, IF, SF, MF, VTM, and CM were used. Regions of interest were transformed from MNI152 space to the subject functional space using SPM12 normalise/write, as well as the inverse transformation field that was saved as part of the segemntation procedure mentioned above. The regions of interest for this study include the left motor cortex (for the motor task runs) and the bilateral amygdala (for the emotion task runs). These ROIs are overlaid on the coregistered and resampled T1w image below, to allow visual inspection of normalisation quality.

T1w coregistration and segmentation

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Anatomical localisation

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Functional QC

For functional quality reporting, several processing steps are executed on several data sources, including the functional time series, head movement parameters and physiology data. Statistical measures are calculated from the time series data, yielding spatial QC measures (e.g. standard deviation and temporal signal to noise ratio maps) and timeseries visualisations (e.g. framewise displacement, grayplots, etc). If physiology data are available for a run, quality metrics for these are extracted from the PhysIO pipeline included as a dependency in this toolbox.

The following QC measures are derived and displayed below:

Functional QC metrics summary

Functional run Mean framewise displacement (mm) Total framewise displacement (mm) FD outliers (thresh 0.2mm) FD outliers (thresh 0.5mm) Mean Zscore Global correlation Mean tSNR (GM) Mean tSNR (WM) Mean tSNR (CSF) Mean tSNR (brain)

Select a functional run

This will update all images displayed below to those of the selected run

Spatial QC plots

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Temporal QC plots

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PhysIO QC plots

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